
12. 如何监测用ASP/PHP/JSP/Coldfusion做的站点?

有时,可能对脚本的监测是失败的,但Web服务器还在运行。建议是监测Web服务器的TCP 80端口。

要对脚本进行测试,请登录到您的帐户,点击"增加测试",输入指定的URL脚本地址(以.asp, .php, jsp与.cfm结尾的),再附加上存在文件的一些关键字。


We are looking for a new translator to maintain the translation of this language. We will give you some free use of our service; you can either use the service yourself or resell to other people. This partnership is ideal if you plan to use or resell our service. Kindly note that we are NOT looking to hire a translator (ie. pay in cash). Please contact us if you are interested.