
13. 如何监测位于防火墙背后的数据库服务器?

用您喜欢的编程语言(如ASP, JSP, PHP, Coldfusion, Perl等)写一个脚本,向数据库服务器发出简单的查询,如成功,则输出如 "数据库服务器正常运行"。

接下来,转到监测->添加,选择站点类型,输入脚本的URL地址,添加关键字 "数据库服务器正常运行"。如果我们的监测系统找不到该关键字,会通知您,数据库服务器已停机。

We are looking for a new translator to maintain the translation of this language. We will give you some free use of our service; you can either use the service yourself or resell to other people. This partnership is ideal if you plan to use or resell our service. Kindly note that we are NOT looking to hire a translator (ie. pay in cash). Please contact us if you are interested.